High Concept: Curator of the Eclipse: (the voidtech mecha, plus he's a void-mage) There's a human 'cult' of voidmonks that tend to the jumpgates. Grimm was impaled by something that allows him to connect to the void-mech, Eclipse. He is considered it's caretaker, but technically is not considered its owner. Invoke to use void magic (or general permission to use void magic), to make connections with the monks, or to be aware of void-stuff in general. Compel to be hunted as a void-corrupted, or be sought out as "someone already tainted by the Void."
Trouble: Shard of Darkness: Grimm has a literal piece of void shrapnel from near-death incident where he got sucked though a jumpgate into Voidspace. (This was the Extreme Consequence from said incident. Still, it allows his high concept, so, it's not going to 'heal'.) Invoke to resist minor corruption (as it's less than what he's exposed to by default. Compels include any kind of suspicion, minor corruption, to disrupt Hitech around him, make voidtech nearby a little more 'antsy', and any general source of corruption might be.
Adventure with Qarar: Where Ængels Fear to Tread (after being sucked into voidspace and surviving, he dares to go there.)
Adventure with Glimmer: Shadow needs both Light and Darkness (both lone wolf and team player...)
Free Aspect: "You know, Death sticks to some people." (Callback to Last Action Hero where Arnold falls in a tar-pit and just wipes the tar off.)
+4: Lore
+3: Larceny, Devotion
+2: Mark, Daunt, Melee
+1: Zeal, Cunning, Vigor, Lineage
Suspiciously Resistant (Racial): extra moderate consequence, only vs corruption.
My Shard Aches: +2 to mark to notice signs of corruption and void use.
His Dark Materials: +2 Melee when armed with an aspect created with Lore.
Eldritch Abilities: Spend a fate point to substitute Lore for almost any skill (and equipment). (you can do this without the stunt, but, he's a mage, this is more just 'it's easier to justify' cause a wizard did it.)
Refresh: 3
Johnathan Grimm, pilot of the Eclipse
Re: Johnathan Grimm, pilot of the Eclipse
Mecha: Eclipse
Front Torso: Homogenous Dark-Mater Construction: The Eclipse is an Eldritch manifestation, not a mecha. It doesn't have servos, doesn't have to clank when it walks, can reconfigure its silhouette to better blend in, and the solidified darkness that it's made of is difficult to spot. It has Great Skulking unless injured. (IE: this system is offline.)
Back Torso: Ephemeral Systems Sacrifice: The mech is a mental construct as easy and fluid as any other thought. Sacrificing this system counts as a -6 consequence and the mecha is destroyed as if it were ablative armor. For a fate point, the mecha can be resummoned this conflict, However, only this system is repaired in that case. (The resurrection effect is also generally only once per conflict.)
Arms: Void-Bleed: The void-stuff of the Eclipse both focuses magic and bleeds off like corruption. +2 to Lore to create Void-magic based Advantages where the extra umph would matter (for example, it's easier to create large fields of darkness, corrode metal the Eclipse is touching, or make a makeshift void-support for a crumbling bridge.) This doesn't create a stronger force, just more of it over a larger area.
'Legs': Nightmare Motion: The Void material of the Eclipse can make friction what it wishes. It can cling to anything it can touch and glide at high speeds as if skating on ice (Or both at the same time, cause magic...). Combined with the variable weight, it can cling to ceilings and walls without destroying them, and can avoid setting off traps designed to be triggered by the weight of a mecha. Overall, this grants great Zeal to make these things happen.
Minor aspects: (These enable the effects below.)Of the Dark beyond the Gate,
Whispered secrets lie in wait,
Broken shard of blackest Nyx,
I call You, Void-gear Eclipse!
- Mental Construct: Physical damage to the mecha damages your mental stress track. With the Head system disabled, the only way to heal broken system is by healing them as (minor) mental consequences. One per scene. Usually the Head is 'recovered' first, and then used to repair the mech.
- Variable Weight: The bizarre Void energy that makes up Eclipse only has weight when it'd be an advantage. Otherwise, the Eclipse can weigh anything between 200lbs (Grimm's weight) and 8 - 10 tons. (Actual game effects are listed in the systems.)
- Void-summoned: Per the lore roll to summon it, the pincered tentacles and claws the Eclipse uses to attack are 'an aspect created with lore' for His Dark Materials.
- Morphic: The Eclipse has a general appearance, and the energy lack-of-signature is consistent, but the number of joints on the arm, where exactly they attach to the torso, and little details shift regularly. Its pincers and claw weapons are retractable. When Grimm uses Lore to shrug off armor aspects, this is usually how it happens. (Additional effects below.)
Front Torso: Homogenous Dark-Mater Construction: The Eclipse is an Eldritch manifestation, not a mecha. It doesn't have servos, doesn't have to clank when it walks, can reconfigure its silhouette to better blend in, and the solidified darkness that it's made of is difficult to spot. It has Great Skulking unless injured. (IE: this system is offline.)
Back Torso: Ephemeral Systems Sacrifice: The mech is a mental construct as easy and fluid as any other thought. Sacrificing this system counts as a -6 consequence and the mecha is destroyed as if it were ablative armor. For a fate point, the mecha can be resummoned this conflict, However, only this system is repaired in that case. (The resurrection effect is also generally only once per conflict.)
Arms: Void-Bleed: The void-stuff of the Eclipse both focuses magic and bleeds off like corruption. +2 to Lore to create Void-magic based Advantages where the extra umph would matter (for example, it's easier to create large fields of darkness, corrode metal the Eclipse is touching, or make a makeshift void-support for a crumbling bridge.) This doesn't create a stronger force, just more of it over a larger area.
'Legs': Nightmare Motion: The Void material of the Eclipse can make friction what it wishes. It can cling to anything it can touch and glide at high speeds as if skating on ice (Or both at the same time, cause magic...). Combined with the variable weight, it can cling to ceilings and walls without destroying them, and can avoid setting off traps designed to be triggered by the weight of a mecha. Overall, this grants great Zeal to make these things happen.
Re: Johnathan Grimm, pilot of the Eclipse

(Eclipse looks like this, only made of shadow)