(D&C Article)
Strong released the name of the ESL shooting victim, Maria Rodriguez-Johnston. A married mother of one, she is a business owner, but according to Strong is still in critical condition. Because she has a rare blood type Strong has been reaching out to local companies to help sponsor a massive blood drive. ESL has stepped forward to become the largest sponsor, and additionally have decided to setup a charitable trust for the Rodriguez-Johnston family to help them get through this difficult time.
Working with hospitals as far away as Syracuse and Buffalo Strong will be hosting the blood drive at the defunct Medley Centre in Irondequoit. It's empty corridors proving to be an ideal location for this large of an endeavor. Cleaning crews have been working around the clock to spruce things up to provide the sterile environment need for donating blood. The blood drive is scheduled for Saturday the 21st. ESL has provided a contact number for both the Rodriguez Johston Charity and the blood drive. It is...
Shooting Victims Name Released
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