07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

The goings on of courts
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by misfit »

After several minutes, Nuall suddenly looks very startled and drops the card. He pauses for a moment to catch his breath. He managed a close of approximation of his usual smile.

"Well, it would appear that they work after all. It just wasn't quite what I would have expected."

He takes a drink of wine and starts to stare at the card again.
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by misfit »

After a few minutes Nuall puts down the card.

"So, that is what magic is like. It is really quite interesting. And I see how it could be quite useful. I suppose that I look like a bumpkin at the moment, but I grew up where magic was only a legend. Being confronted with the reality is quite novel for me."
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by coldcandor »

((A small change to my previous post, as it turns out, Solten's deck does not actually have a Hanged Man card, which Nuall may notice if he decided to watch me look at mine as I did with his. Solten briefly looks confused when reaching the end of the deck, but shrugs and puts them away.))

After staring at the fire for several minutes, Solten suddenly comes to life again. He doesn't seem to have noticed the passing of time. He looks at Nuall: "Careful, stare at it that hard and it might bite back." Shortly after, Nuall puts down the card and comments about magic. "Seems strange that magic would surprise you, after what I have seen here just tonight. Though I suppose such a direct interaction is different than simply seeing implementations of it around you."
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by Joshua »

Oberon laughs and smiles at Nuall. "Not from a place with magic, huh? Understandable. We'll have to go exploring later. A little walking to some magic and a little walk to a place with telephones. I'm sure you'll pick it up." He looks around, and leans in. "I know some great brothels, you can find ones with any kind of woman you can imagine."
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by misfit »

"In my father's court we were often entertained by 'magicians', but their magic was merely parlor tricks and sleight of hand. After a time it can make one a bit cynical about seeing what cannot be explained. One comes to look at it and realize it is illusion, even if one cannot explain how it was done. So when I see the wonders here, a part of me says that it must be true magic while another says that it is just illusion of a higher order.

"With the cards, I was able to contact Quin from across the room. I could speak to him without speaking. I could hear his words as clearly as I hear yours. It was...well words fail me. I cannot begin to explain how it felt to me. It was real to me in a way I cannot express. It would seem I have more to learn than I had guessed."

Nuall slides his cards back into their bag and places them in a pocket.

"Well my Lord Oberon, I think some exploring would be an excellent idea. My days here have been pleasant enough, but some exercise would be most welcome. As for the brothels, I most enjoy the chase. the seduction, the surrender...reducing it a mere financial transaction robs me of that game. On the other hand, they are faster and more certain."

Nuall winks and chuckles.
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by Joshua »

"Perhaps we were chosen because there's less for us to unlearn." Oberon shrugs. "I think it's more concerning when things you rely on fail. Most magic doesn't work here. Gunpowder doesn't. I think someone attempted to.. what did he call it? ... taser me last week, which didn't work. Still, learning a little magic is useful as is learning a little technology. We'll get you settled if you wish."

He turns towards Solten, "I take it you've seen magic before. What new experiences would you seek out?"
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by coldcandor »

((Apologies for the delay, long weekend.))

"Well, I wouldn't say I've seen a lot of magic, though who knows if what we see is really what we see anyway." Solten turns to Nuall. "From your description, this is a rather more direct magic than most. That can definitely be... disconcerting.

"Preconceived notions and expectations do seem like they could be problems, but so to is a lack of knowledge. I'd join you in this exploration, if you'll have me. I shall leave the level of... adventure... up to you." He grins.
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by misfit »

"The magic in these cards is definitely very...personal. One wonders if a skilled user could do more than my clumsy attempt has shown. Would it be possible to spy on someone with these? A disconcerting thought indeed, as it means anyone with a deck, or who could steal one card, could be a spy. One could never be sure any conversation was private."

Nuall takes a long drink of wine.

"Well, eggs cannot be unbroken as they say, so we will just have to accept things as they stand. ...and there are ways to discourage spying."

A wicked grin plays across Nuall's face...to be quickly replaced by his normal grin.

"Friend Solten, I for one would be glad to have you along. That would allow someone else to be the brunt of some of Oberon's 'lessons' and spare me some embarrassment. I have never died of embarrassment before, but I feel no great need to test the limits of that if I can avoid it."

Nuall winks.
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by Joshua »

The second course is Boeuf a la Nicoise, a beef stew with tomatoes and olives over buttered noodles. Despite the winter time, it is clear to those with discerning palates that the tomatoes were picked fresh that morning, the balsamic vinegar is aged 18+ years (yeah, not technically possible either), and all the ingredients are remarkably and impossibly fresh (even the ones that can't get ripe at the same time). Extra noodles and stew are placed in the center of the table.

Dworkin enteres when all the tables are served, along with a large nordic man with one eye. They head towards the raised dais where Dworkin will be making an announcement.

Dworkin stands in front of the large center throne and announces, his old voice carrying despite its lack of volume. "Greetings Amber and other courts. Welcome to the Seventh Winter. I trust you are all enjoying your gifts. Unfortunately a matter has come up and I will not be dining with you this evening." He gestures to the newcomer. "This is Odin. A... um..."

"Colleague," prompts Odin.

"Colleague who is here to observe the new courts. He will be staying the festival, and I hope all of you will give him the respect a true diplomat from another land is due." Dworkin looks behind himself and out of the balcony briefly. "We will be retiring to the highest tower of Tir-na Nog'th for tea and conversation. I hope you will forgive this breach."

Without further fanfare, Dworkin and Odin exit the room through a side door.
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Re: 07.01d: The Seventh Winter (Dinner Table)

Post by misfit »

"Well that was curious. There is something in the wind. First, Dworkin gathers us all in one place. Second, he gives us a 'gift' that links us together...and puts a leash on each of us. Third he introduces this 'colleague' that we are told to respect. Then they both vanish to discuss issues that are more important than whatever he was planning to announce tonight.

"This cannot be good. My instincts tell me to leave now and avoid whatever is coming. Unfortunately these accursed cards chain me to the court now. I could run, but anyone with a deck could hound me wherever I go. It would seem that all that is left to me is to wait for the sword to fall."

Nuall seems uncharacteristically serious. He picks at his food, and from time to time his gaze will drift to the cards or one of the exits.