in these dark nights there are a many forces that threaten our way of unlife... werewolves, magi, spirits, humans even our own kind. which is what i feel is the greatest threat of them all...other vampires.
Belials Brood and VII are both threats to Rochester. Toronto was hit by VII and nearly wiped out. And Belials Brood unleashed a Golem unto this city. Both are Epic problems. if you cant handle your selves in a fight I'd recomend staying indoors for a while.
Now on the plus side, Sidewinder is dead..."staked and baked" in the sun. And with the princes permission I will be leading a task force to hunt down the rest of his Brood and removing the stain of them from this city.
thank you,
Mekhet Prisci
"The Sanguine Scribe of Terror"
Staying frosty...
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Re: Staying frosty...
That's cool. I been thinkin of puttin together a coterie to patrol and hunt vamps anyways. Guess would have to work with the hound or sheriff. I'm more interested in goin and findin me some sevens to revenge my old coterie. But a little practice is prolly best anyhows.
So, yeah, we're lookin for a couple kins to join up, pretty much the required is to "not suck and die" in a fight. Gotta be able to do somethin to hurt the enemy, or help the group.
Will talk at court.
So, yeah, we're lookin for a couple kins to join up, pretty much the required is to "not suck and die" in a fight. Gotta be able to do somethin to hurt the enemy, or help the group.
Will talk at court.
Re: Staying frosty...
It should be obvious, but because I feel it won't be, remember: even if you are hunting unrecognized kindred, violating the tradition of the Masquerade would be a poor decision.
-Ihsan, Nosferatu Prisci
-Ihsan, Nosferatu Prisci
Re: Staying frosty...
Nevertheless i believe the prince said that there has been no negotiations with the VII never in the past, therefore you can defend yourself against an attack that it will be most likely to happen. Also killing a VII he will not condemn the practice and will probably look at it as a small boon to the city or something minor. Now if the Kin violate the third law and practiced Amarath he should suffer the fate of those who delve in such practice. These matter can never be over seen, it should be severely punished or what stops us from being like the herd or worse the beast.
As you pointed out Ihsan there should be no violation of the first tradition: the mascarade or the herd will start to know something is wrong... Although at this moment in time we are facing terrible changes that have started to procrastinate on the city, unstoppable by normal means or politics of sort, by which is necessary to entice the further use of the abilities granted to us. I believe that is important to protect ourselves but if we continue to do nothing we are still dead... well final dead.
-Lafayette D'Mascar
As you pointed out Ihsan there should be no violation of the first tradition: the mascarade or the herd will start to know something is wrong... Although at this moment in time we are facing terrible changes that have started to procrastinate on the city, unstoppable by normal means or politics of sort, by which is necessary to entice the further use of the abilities granted to us. I believe that is important to protect ourselves but if we continue to do nothing we are still dead... well final dead.
-Lafayette D'Mascar
Re: Staying frosty...
The VII are by far the greatest threat to our civilization. I studied them before they committed genocide in my beloved Toronto, but after witnessing first hand the destruction they wrought, I would strongly advise traveling in coteries and developing strong haven defenses to all. Reaching out to our neighbors in the Buffalo, Syracuse, and Ithica domains would also be wise. Perhaps with 4 domains working together we can overcome the threat that hangs over us all.
I am but a humble servant in this domain, I leave it to my betters to decide.
~Stanley Smithe
Ventrue Carthian
I am but a humble servant in this domain, I leave it to my betters to decide.
~Stanley Smithe
Ventrue Carthian
Re: Staying frosty...
I'm inclined to say that the biggest threat to the kindred of Rochester appears to be the kindred of Rochester. One cannot win a fight with their every move on display. And as we cannot even keep the movements of our court a secret from the Kine, as demonstrated by the shameful breach of the the Masquerade on Christmas Eve, we have precious little hope of defeating Belial's Brood or VII. Between our little Christmas gift from the Brood and a display of incompetence that borders on active sabotage one begins to wonder whether there isn't something more sinister at work here.
I'm not one to cast aspersions on my fellow Kindred but the question remains: How did the Brood know where to send their little gift?. It also seems suspicious to me that while one Kindred meets final death at the hands of the Primogen, two more are spared for the same crime by the Seneschal. And perhaps this could just be my experience from Denver but in 69 years of undeath I've never seen a court so casual about approaching lupines.
If you wonder where the greatest threat to the Kindred of Rochester lies, go to court and look around sometime.
Kristoff Kliene
I'm not one to cast aspersions on my fellow Kindred but the question remains: How did the Brood know where to send their little gift?. It also seems suspicious to me that while one Kindred meets final death at the hands of the Primogen, two more are spared for the same crime by the Seneschal. And perhaps this could just be my experience from Denver but in 69 years of undeath I've never seen a court so casual about approaching lupines.
If you wonder where the greatest threat to the Kindred of Rochester lies, go to court and look around sometime.
Kristoff Kliene
Re: Staying frosty...
You're right. People going around breaking the masquerade by taking pictures of each other is one of the greatest threats in this city.
Re: Staying frosty...
Had you ever witnessed the destructive and wanton display of power and insanity that is the VII you wouldn't call your fellow kindred the greatest threat. Perhaps instead of sowing seeds of division you'd be spending your energies in a more productive manner. I was once guilty of grasping at power from the shadows, the VII destroyed a decade worth of my work in a single night. Nearly a hundred Kindred fell within a couple nights less than 2 hours drive from here. Think on that, whatever our differences we can work them out because we are not VII.
The Masquerade was indeed broken and the most blatant offender was put to death. Your betters made the decision to execute one and grant clemency to the others for a reason, it is neither your place or mine to question that choice. Unless you possess the power to either claim praxis or challenge your prisci and truly think that you can do better, I'd highly suggest that you keep your dissenting opinions regarding their decisions private. We are both Carthian true, however we tread in Invictus territory, no one holds us here; it is beneath us to become the whiners some would stereotype us to be.
As to the Lupines, do we need another enemy to satisfy you? There's a treaty keeping peace between us, why make enemies where enemies need not be?
What has always held us back as a society is our lack of cohesion. Despite the nature of one's beast, we can control ourselves and become something greater than the sum of our parts.
~Stanly Smithe
Ventrue Carthian
Had you ever witnessed the destructive and wanton display of power and insanity that is the VII you wouldn't call your fellow kindred the greatest threat. Perhaps instead of sowing seeds of division you'd be spending your energies in a more productive manner. I was once guilty of grasping at power from the shadows, the VII destroyed a decade worth of my work in a single night. Nearly a hundred Kindred fell within a couple nights less than 2 hours drive from here. Think on that, whatever our differences we can work them out because we are not VII.
The Masquerade was indeed broken and the most blatant offender was put to death. Your betters made the decision to execute one and grant clemency to the others for a reason, it is neither your place or mine to question that choice. Unless you possess the power to either claim praxis or challenge your prisci and truly think that you can do better, I'd highly suggest that you keep your dissenting opinions regarding their decisions private. We are both Carthian true, however we tread in Invictus territory, no one holds us here; it is beneath us to become the whiners some would stereotype us to be.
As to the Lupines, do we need another enemy to satisfy you? There's a treaty keeping peace between us, why make enemies where enemies need not be?
What has always held us back as a society is our lack of cohesion. Despite the nature of one's beast, we can control ourselves and become something greater than the sum of our parts.
~Stanly Smithe
Ventrue Carthian
Re: Staying frosty...
Mein Kollegen you misjudge me...
This is no petty gripe nor is it a play for power. I am not calling for war nor do I aspire to praxis. As a matter of fact we are making quite the same point. The biggest liability Kindred society has is that it is disjointed. Which is why when the head of Rochester leaves the neck in charge and his decisions seem to be in conflict with the limbs I worry for the health of the organism as a whole.
As for the offenders, I have two thoughts on their position. The first of which is that my recording of the event is somehow to blame for their misfortune. Ihsan saw you with his own eyes. My camera merely confirmed this for our goodly Seneschal. And I do not begrudge the right of the Seneschal to grant mercy or the Primogen to distribute justice. I offer that, I don't see how use of Protean constitutes a different degree of breach than the use of Nightmare. Therefore the judgement, whatever it may be, should apply equally to all. While I am inclined to agree with the Primogen's decision based solely on the merit that I believe a council is a better vehicle for true justice, I acknowledge that, while the prince is indisposed, the Seneschal has supreme authority over Rochester.
I understand that it is perhaps not my place to question the logic of the elders and I certainly do not claim that I have a right to a say in matters of justice and law in a city in which I have only recently been acknowledged. However, I am entitled to my opinion. And I am inclined to share, not to provoke my fellow kindred, but to enlighten.
viele grüße (best regards),
Kirstoff Kliene
This is no petty gripe nor is it a play for power. I am not calling for war nor do I aspire to praxis. As a matter of fact we are making quite the same point. The biggest liability Kindred society has is that it is disjointed. Which is why when the head of Rochester leaves the neck in charge and his decisions seem to be in conflict with the limbs I worry for the health of the organism as a whole.
As for the offenders, I have two thoughts on their position. The first of which is that my recording of the event is somehow to blame for their misfortune. Ihsan saw you with his own eyes. My camera merely confirmed this for our goodly Seneschal. And I do not begrudge the right of the Seneschal to grant mercy or the Primogen to distribute justice. I offer that, I don't see how use of Protean constitutes a different degree of breach than the use of Nightmare. Therefore the judgement, whatever it may be, should apply equally to all. While I am inclined to agree with the Primogen's decision based solely on the merit that I believe a council is a better vehicle for true justice, I acknowledge that, while the prince is indisposed, the Seneschal has supreme authority over Rochester.
I understand that it is perhaps not my place to question the logic of the elders and I certainly do not claim that I have a right to a say in matters of justice and law in a city in which I have only recently been acknowledged. However, I am entitled to my opinion. And I am inclined to share, not to provoke my fellow kindred, but to enlighten.
viele grüße (best regards),
Kirstoff Kliene
Re: Staying frosty...
here is my 10 cents, cuz my 2 cents are always free...
First, I video taped the whole fucking thing! any one wanna bitch about that...didn't think so.
Why you may ask...not to entrap other vamps... but to have a video of every other person who was there... Werewolves, Humans, ghosts... what ever... you vampires show up on film as blurs, not really any breach of the masquerade from what i can tell...theres no way of knowing...what part of Blur don't you get?
Second, The Primogen agreed on the judgement. you dont need to know any more then that... there are always reasons why we do what we do, you can trust me that the primogen and the Nikoli have the best intrest of the city in mind, with every action that we undertake.
Third, if you dont like it, GET THE FUCK OUT!!! if shit dosent change quickly, where heading into a full fledge war between VII and the Brood, and I for one don't want any dumb f*cker doing something stupid and bringing down the hammer of god apon me! (we havent really seen eye to eye as of late)
I for one am getting sick of hearing vampires bitch. Suck it up and lets start to deal with the Real threats to YOUR requiem...
Mekhet Prisci
the Sanguine Scribe of Terror
Slayer of the Sidewinder
First, I video taped the whole fucking thing! any one wanna bitch about that...didn't think so.
Why you may ask...not to entrap other vamps... but to have a video of every other person who was there... Werewolves, Humans, ghosts... what ever... you vampires show up on film as blurs, not really any breach of the masquerade from what i can tell...theres no way of knowing...what part of Blur don't you get?
Second, The Primogen agreed on the judgement. you dont need to know any more then that... there are always reasons why we do what we do, you can trust me that the primogen and the Nikoli have the best intrest of the city in mind, with every action that we undertake.
Third, if you dont like it, GET THE FUCK OUT!!! if shit dosent change quickly, where heading into a full fledge war between VII and the Brood, and I for one don't want any dumb f*cker doing something stupid and bringing down the hammer of god apon me! (we havent really seen eye to eye as of late)
I for one am getting sick of hearing vampires bitch. Suck it up and lets start to deal with the Real threats to YOUR requiem...
Mekhet Prisci
the Sanguine Scribe of Terror
Slayer of the Sidewinder