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 Post subject: Winter Changelings
PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:23 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
Three winter court changelings who attended the same high school as Ryan and Inali. I've left some aspect slots open on each of them in case they end up needing aspects for relationships to player characters (or events in somebody's first adventure phase, or whatever.)

 Post subject: Re: Winter Changelings
PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:24 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
(full name: Timothy Evan Yardley)

Light brown hair, dark brown eyes, middling height (~5'10"), with a build on the athletic side of average and facial features that mix european and oriental traits, Tim's appearance can be summed up as ordinary. In fact, the traits of his that are most likely to draw attention in a crowd are his seemingly boundless energy and optimism.

Yearbook Entry: Voted most likely to turn a profit selling ice cubes to eskimos.
high concept: all-american mongrel
trouble: the seasons won't leave us alone
other aspects: puppy's enthusiasm, wolf's loyalty, coyote's cunning, fox's magic
apex skill: deceit

Tim is the de-facto leader of the group, and feels responsible for making sure his friends get where they want to be. Currently, he's working multiple jobs to help support their college careers.
On the other hand, if you're not part of his group of friends, watch out; sure, he's friendly and cheerful, but that just means you won't realize 'till later that he just sold you a set of kitchen knives you didn't want and don't need.

Tim's changeling powers lend themselves to illusion and shapeshifting - though, for the latter, he currently only has access to his original human form and a humanoid half-animal form with features that are a blend of wolf, coyote, and arctic fox. If he keeps developing his power, that "true" form is likely to end up as a fully quadrupedal winterhound; a fate of which he is currently blissfully unaware.

Update: Tim has since Chosen to be mortal, and - while he still keeps in touch with Kate & Tina - has basically bowed out of having much of anything to do with the supernatural world.

 Post subject: Re: Winter Changelings
PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:24 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
(full name: Katelyn Joan Olsen)

Real character sheet moved to here, though I'm going to leave this around for reference of what she was.

Tall and lanky, with a build that tends to get compared to a horse. Dusky mulatto skin, black hair, red eyes, and honest-to-goodness fangs. Nobody is quite sure where she got the money for custom colored contacts or artistic dentistry; if asked, she just claims that she lost a bet and refuses to elaborate.

Yearbook Entry: Voted most likely to beat up the yearbook organizers if they don't put something flattering here. Err, we mean a beautiful and charming young lady.
high concept: the kelpie's daughter
trouble: unbridled nature
other aspects: smarter than she looks, you and what army?, power is beauty*
apex skill: athletics

Kate grew up with her mother (the only one of the three with a known mortal parent) in east palo alto; while she's had occasional issues with the gangs there, most of them realized early on that harassing her was more dangerous than it was worth, and her exposure was further limited by her mother sending her to a school in a different city. Still, she was notorious for getting into fights, and would probably have been expelled if Tim hadn't been able to convince the authorities that she'd only been defending herself. Kate has been involved in a number of sports, most notably track, swimming, and hockey. She's given up on competition swimming after a very public "rescue" when she forgot that she was supposed to need to breathe air, but is still quite active in the other two - to the point that she's currently attending HMTI on an athletic scholarship that pays for at least most of her expenses.
She's currently attempting to major in mechanical engineering, having apparently been quite impressed by Ryan's exoskeleton.

Of the three, Kate has the least power manifested so far; she's stronger than she ought to be, and can breathe underwater, and that's about it.

* This aspect probably deserves a bit of explanation. It's referring explicitly to physical power, and is also explicitly not might makes right. Invokes include looking good in any situation where physical power is in play (such as sports), picking out a winning race horse on appearance alone, or sweet-talking an ugly-as-sin minotaur with sincere flattery. Compels include failing at social conflicts that depend on traditional definitions of beauty, stopping to compliment the hulking monster that she should really have done her best to not attract attention from in the first place (or assuming that the monster is the good guy until proven otherwise), or falling for the guy who just beat a troll in a fistfight.

 Post subject: Re: Winter Changelings
PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 6:25 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
(her real name, which she detests with a passion, is Stratosinia Malifent Snow)

Character sheet moved to here.

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