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Amber Setting Summary

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:05 pm
by Joshua
Mostly a quick overview of what's been going on. This is largely a bullet summary of what plans are. Please, this is your game, feel free to flesh out anything you want.

Quick links:
General Setting, Amber Law, Trade, Differences from the Novels, Setting Quirks, The 4 Patterns

In other Threads:
Character List (And Trumps), Place Descriptions, Game Rules

Re: Amber Setting Summary

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:09 pm
by Joshua
General Setting

Overall Themes
  • Dworkin seems to enjoy a set of 3 thrones (large central one, a smaller one on each side) in all formal occasions. They are almost never actually used.
  • There are many minor and major enchantments. While magic is difficult to work in Amber, that mostly means extra time and less offensive magic. For example: The stove in the Amber kitchen will ignite on its own and burns at an even temperature, but it still needs wood to actually cook.
  • Not all places in Amber are euclidean. Although, space doesn't turn itself in knots, there are plenty of places where there's an extra foot of space, or the room is short a similar amount.
  • The guards are outclassed by PCs. However, especially in the castles, they are skilled enough to slow people down until a proper NPC can arrive. (Average warfare in the castles is about Amber. In the city is about Chaos.)
Castle Amber
Trump: Swords; Element: Fire; Pattern: Red
Races: Human
(Yes, I know the color is changed form the book and swords is normally air.)
  • Is a large, stone medieval/renaissance castle mashup. Apparently, it's a pentagon, with 5 floors.
  • There are apparently minor enchantments to prevent it from being drafty.
  • Each Amberite has their own suite in the castle. All members of Tir-Na Nog'th have guest suites as they can't have permanent residence there.
  • A landing at the top of the castle has a staircase that appears at night that leads to Tir-Na Nog'th. If you enter the main gate, the main hall goes into a grand stair which takes you there.
  • The grounds are not yet formally kept.
  • There are pleanty of guard and servant's quarters.
  • There is a dungeon, or more specifically, an underground area that links to caves, one of which contains the pattern. (There's also a back-entrance to Ht'gon An-rit).
Tir-Na Nog'th
Trump: Wands; Element: Air; Pattern: Silver
Races: Are fey, elves, birds, and other light, "of the sky" or seelie creatures. Generally considered the magic-workers.
  • The castle only appears at night. Sundown to sunup.
  • Anything in the castle vanishes with it. Anyone in the castle does so. It comes back that night. There are rumors as to what happens to people, but it's not considered fatal. (Just traumatic.)
  • Servants generally prepare the castle every night.
  • There are suites for every member of Tir-Na Nog'th, although they generally don't stay there during the day.
  • The castle, while apparently made of stone, clearly floats without support. (There is empty air underneath it.) Several aspects of the castle also follow this rule.
  • In general, the castle is a circular ring around a central keep. The high towers are along the outer ring, with a series of floating garden platforms above the keep in a semi-recursive resemblance to how it floats above Amber.
  • Amid the floating gardens, the top-most platform only forms in moonlight and contains Tir-Na's pattern.
  • At least one tower (likely one that is towards the bay) has an extension that is not supported. (like something out of castlevenia.) Although it is clearly not long enough, it ends up over the bay.
Ht'gon An-rit (Try shouting it like a Klingon. It makes the lettering make more sense. And yes, the G and R are lower-case.)
Trump: Coins; Element: Earth; Pattern: Gold
Races: Orcs, goblins, minotaurs and other unseelie monsters (centaurs, dwarves, etc). Drow and trolls have been seen here as well. Has some shamanic ties. More "of the earth" than darkness based.
  • The fort is a wooden rampart style fort set into the mountain. If you take the winding road from City Amber to Castle Amber, about halfway up, there is a fork that goes to Ht'gon.
  • It has a decent sized garden, mostly the herbs that Morgana uses.
  • It boarders the forest, and is nearby a clearing where several orcs, trolls and ogres have made camp.
  • It is built as a defensive structure for an empty amphitheater. For about an hour each day, the noon-day sun shows through the fort and traces a pattern on the floor.
  • Walls are a double-row of 2-foot diameter logs. Mild enchantments to prevent fires, with various spikes at the top.
  • On the inside, are many caves and underground tunnels that go deep into Mount Kolvir. The dwarves consider this the real Ht'Gon.
Trump: Cups; Element: Water; Pattern: Blue
Races: Are aquatic creatures. Including aquatic shapeshifters (who grow legs to walk on land) and some ship captains.
  • If you follow the main road from Castle Amber to City Amber, it goes strait through the city and into the bay. If you go into the bay at that point, it will lead you to Rebma.
  • Alternately, there is a staircase in a nearby building (probably a temporary shelter) that does down into the ground. It's relatively dry and opens eventually into the "air-breather" section of the city. Probably goes a half-mile down and about the same forward, under the bay.
  • Currently, most of the city is in a cavern that's sorta under the City of Amber. I am drawing a bit of inspiration from this picture. Imagine the water literally stops at the entryways due to magical surface tension. And the air entrance drops you off at the top of the cavern. In the main building shown.
  • The cave holds about 100,000 or so members, and is starting to be full. The rest are spilling out of the huge entrance to the cave (the opening is likely a mile across.) and I draw inspiration of what that will eventually look like from this picture.
  • Because Rebma doesn't currently have an Amberite leader, it has a steward. Since there has only been a steward for a few years (the city is 3 - 4 years old), there has not been time for that position to become corrupt.

Re: Amber Setting Summary

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 10:16 pm
by Joshua
Amber Law

To date, no one has attempted to impersonate Dworkin. Most assume the universe would smite them.
  • Considered a divine messenger.
  • His word is absolute law.
  • Due to his eccentricity, it's a debate as to where the line between "word" and "rambling" is.
  • It is clear that Dworkin wants order in Amber. Disobeying an order is much more likely to be overlooked if it creates order.
  • And yes, that is order. Not good or evil. Dworkin would side with Prince Jon over Robin Hood.
  • It is rumored that the weather and even the laws of physics obey Dworkin's decree.
The Pattern
It is up for debate if Dworkin or the Pattern is considered "higher" in Amber law. Since the Pattern is an inanimate object, it is unlikely this question need ever be answered.
  • Condemned prisoners and traitors can ask to walk the pattern. If they survive, they are given full rights as an Amberite and all crimes are forgiven.
  • Non-condemned citizens may petition to walk the pattern. As this is more-or-less voluntary suicide, few are given permission.
  • Walking the Pattern is considered more than just a test of endurance. It is assumed you are judged by the pattern when you walk it. Dworkin is believed to be able to predict who will survive with fairly strong accuracy.
That is anyone who has walked the pattern, and anyone Dworkin has made a trump card of. While not current practice, ownership of a trump card bearing your likeness will become seen as proof you are royalty.
  • You may create a law by declaring it publicly.
  • In an argument between you and anyone else, you are considered right.
  • You may execute anyone, for any reason. (Including if they say the sky is blue when you just said it was green.)
  • You have the right to be armed anywhere.
  • You may demand any tribute or tax from anyone in the city.
  • Arguments between Amberites often are resolved through duels, but can be done using any agreed upon contest. They are not allowed to be to the death.
  • You have all other rights as befitting a divinely chosen ruler.
    (Seriously, if you want to do right of First Night, you can. Though there are lots of PCs who'd lynch you for that.)
Nobles are landowners and those with lots of money. They have a good amount of political power.
  • Nobles have power similar to an Amberite in their domain. Basically, anything they can get away with.
  • Nobles can execute peasants but need a reason to execute skilled workers.
  • Dispute between nobles are resolved either with duels or by petitioning an Amberite.
And other skilled workers. Can own land.
  • Have a lot more right to live, work and survive due to their valuable skills.
  • Unless they are a police force, have no right to kill anyone.
  • Police may execute criminals in accordance with local laws. (Local laws vary from neighborhood to neighborhood.)
  • Truly wealthy merchants blur the line between Merchant and Noble.
And unskilled laborers.
  • Only have rights if given to them by a noble or Amberite.
  • Merely knowing an Amberite offers some level of protection and prestige.
  • Most are little better than indentured servants.
Dworkin does not like his subjects owning slaves.
  • That being said, having an indentured servant's contract is allowed.
  • Slavery is also legal. Although, a number of slaves have been 'taken' through forms of taxation. Some were freed afterwards.

Re: Amber Setting Summary

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:51 pm
by Joshua

Amber is an island.. sorta. It has an ocean, and it set into a mountain, and is the only inhabited place in its universe. (Out to 500 or so explored miles.) Worse, the land route is fraught with danger and monsters.

In order to import anything, one must travel through shadow. This is difficult, which is a major improvement over the previously impossible methods. Trade routes currently exist in the following forms: (as of the start of year 7... and yes, had the game started in the year 20 as originally planned, it'd be easier.)
  • Anyone with pattern can lead a caravan to retrieve goods. Even without "lead others through pattern", you can usually drag a cart with a few people. Anything you can carry (sorta), based on psyche / strength.
  • Some members of the city can travel shadow. Basically, they can follow through shadow (regardless of the Amberite's skill), or go along a similar path provided an Amberite has ever lead them there. There are maybe 50 (or so) of these, and they mostly act as messengers to arrange trades. A chunk of them are fae, and that causes a lot of other issues.
  • Spellcasters can travel using the equivalent of gate and plane-shift. This process is slow, but mostly reliable. While there are dozens if not hundreds of such mages, many are requisitioned for the support of courts and the larger merchants. Individuals and smaller merchants cannot get reliable access to such a wizard. (they have to rent, while larger merchants have them on retainer.)
  • As of now, there are not permanent gates into or out of the city.
  • It takes an Amberite almost a day and a half to get far enough away from amber to shift shadow freely. Most places Amber trades with are within several hours, or are a short shift (say, 30 minutes), then a long mundane travel time. This allows people like ruben to spend an hour seeing a caravan off, then an hour seeing them back but ultimately being able to leave them to their own devices. Part of the issue is there's only about a dozen amberites (just the pcs and npcs).
The ultimate result: There's a LOT of trade, but only larger merchants and the courts can take full advantage of it.

Re: Amber Setting Summary

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:27 pm
by Joshua
Differences from the Novels

I am assuming some of you have read the novels. So, just a heads up of things I have chosen to change. If you notice something else, I'll post it here. If you want a list of changes to the game rules check out Character Creation.
  • Amber (City, Castle and Shadow) are 7 years old. So... Lots of quirks to still be worked out. No golden circle for example. (Although some PCs might make one.)
  • Because pattern potential was thrown into shadow when the pattern was drawn, the "Blood of Amber" does not exist as such. As Amberites arrive, this potential will eventually be consolidated to the point where only those of existing bloodlines can walk the Pattern.
  • One form this potential can take is Broken Pattern. Thus these can exist without the Black Road.
  • There are 4 Patterns that PCs can walk. At this time they are considered relatively equal.
  • I color coded them. So... The colors of the patterns are different.
  • Yes, Swords is normally air and Wands is fire for trump. I like it better this way.
  • Not all PCs are human.
  • Most NPCs are not 400 - 750 point powerhouses. Except maybe Dworkin.
  • There are no Courts of Chaos. They are currently the Clans of Chaos. I'll post more if people have an IC reason to know that.

Re: Amber Setting Summary

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:27 pm
by Joshua
Setting Quirks

A few minor notes that the characters might never actually notice, but are not actual secrets of the game:
  • when Dworkin drew the pattern, it flung "pattern potential" into Shadow, which fused with random sentient stuff (The key here is sentient, not living). Dworkin is gathering those up. This will eventually fuse into "only those born of Amber can walk it".
  • Like calls to like: Amber (the city) is populated by beings similar to the PCs. So, if a troll PC shows up, trolls and troll-variations start appearing in Amber. If a dragon PC shows up, various dragons start arriving. If an elf shows up, various elves arrive. This is a trend, not a hard and fast rule, so it's hard to find in character.
  • For you astronomy buffs, the moon ALWAYS rises 5 minutes after sunset, regardless of what phase it is.
  • The "North Star" is always above Amber. There is a shifting kaleidoscope of constellations that don't always move in conjunction. There are planets and other astrological stuff (a 'river' like the milky-way, etc.).
  • Shooting stars do occasionally happen, and there have been meteor showers. But there isn't enough data to make predictions just yet.
  • Any compasses point to Amber. (The castle, not the city.)
  • The days in Amber fluctuate between 10 hours long (Shortest day is Jan 1st) and 14 hours long (June 30th).
  • Feb 29 is a compressed 6 hour day (Well, 3 hour day, 3 hour night) at the end of the second month. It happens every year. Seriously, don't ask.

Re: Amber Setting Summary

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:30 am
by Joshua
It seems I have forgotten to mention the forest and the unicorn.

Mount Kolvir
  • Castle Amber is near the top of the mountain. The basement and catacombs beneath the castle go several layers deep. The actual pattern of the castle is inside the mountain.
  • Ht'Gon is set into the side of the mountain. The dwarf and goblin tunnels run deep into the mountain, as do several mines of each.
  • Issues with space are more common the deeper you go into the mountain.
  • Issues with time distortion also start to become both more common and severe the deeper you go.
Forest Arden
  • Infinite (more-or-less) in scope. Arden contains all forests and all possible forests within it in some form.
  • Similar to how Amber currently shifts, occasionally the trails and paths through the forest will alter and change at times.
  • Time differences are common the deeper one goes. However, they do not become more severe. (Usually.)
  • As stated in the timeline, there are monsters in the forest.
  • The forest is home to many dangerous monsters. This is common knowledge.
  • Attacks from monsters are uncommon, although not unheard of. Only a handful (lets say under 6 and will worry about the specifics later) have been outside the forest.
  • Monsters are considered archetypes and paragons of their kind, able to battle the strongest heroes and demigods. So, the Manticore is dangerous enough to face off against almost the entire Castle Guard.
  • As stated, the unicorn is on the back of Dworkin's Trump Deck. It likewise appears on coat of arms of Castle Amber.
  • Rumors of the Unicorn as a representative of Amber abound as does the belief that the Unicorn is benevolent.
  • A Unicorn sighting is believed to imply one is destined to walk the Pattern. This is not entirely reliable.