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 Post subject: david thornberg
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:11 am 
Missing Some Marbles

Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:08 pm
Posts: 215

High Concept: Wizard reporter

Trouble: curiosity killed the cat

Where did you come from?: David is the son of a minor talent and a warden who clashed when a minor talent was trying to get access to books such as Kimnler's secrets or other such titles to become a major player. His father was never caught breaking the law, but always had that hanging over his head. While training some of David's breakthroughs came after reading his father diaries? He often wonders if they were written in code and goes back to them when he I stuck. Aspect: Books of power?

What shaped you? During his teenage years as he was taught by his mother in the first pieces of his art David's magic often fizzled at the last second and it was wondered if he would be able to muster up enough power to pass the entrance exams at SU. One day after a particularly long practice and lecture from his mother on control of magic David just gave up. His dog was hidden from him and he needed to find it to feed it and bring him home. He was failing and his mother would not do it for him. Trying to calm down he read some of his father's diaries and the ritual started make sense to him. He managed to cast the thaumaturgy to find his dog that night. He learned he could always succeed if he could just calm down and figure out the problem. Aspect:never give up

What was your first adventure: One of David's friends was tracking a series of attacks that was happening. He thought it could be tied back to the crater and the beasts in it. He stopped tracking it stating he was told to stay out of it. David had to know(aka trouble) so he picked up where his friend Jonah left off. Before he knew it he was trying not be killed while exposing this thing and keeping the government from figuring out who was poking into this now. Is it possible for a plucky new reporter, to get the story, save the day and keep out of government sight while doing so? Aspect: Winter court Medallion.

Guest Starring:
Escape from Alcatraz.
Sam is straight out the best person to go on a field trip with. Of course I had to see more than what they were showing so we went exploring and found Ed who now haunts the theater. Once I figured out ow to speak with him I whipped out my trusty compass and we found his fetter in no time. Of course Inali helped us get in and distracted the Necromancer while we got the warden. You should've seen the battle. It was incredible. Aspect"compass of celestial directions"

Inali's Adventure: So My friend Inali was helping out these things in the blast zone. Of course this means that the government will try to track things they should leave alone. I managed to leave a false trail and get back in time to file my story, Aspect "I will not get scooped"

Template: Wizard. :evocation(-3):water +1 control +1 power (Bracelet) thaumaturgy(-3)Divination +1 power +1 control(globe), the sight(-1), Wizard's constitution(0) and Soulgaze(0)

And that leaves you with one focus item slot, or two enchanted item slots.
I'd suggest a defensive enchanted item; for one item slot you get a passive defensive effect that can be either a four shift block or two points of armor, usable once per session for free (and any number of times per session at the cost of one mental stress per extra use). Further, you can substitute in that block value after rolling your defense - so this can give you a solid defense if you're being ambushed, or can just "fix" things if you happened to roll -4.

The second enchanted item slot can be left open for a potion - a one-use item that you can "create" on the fly with a lore roll, essentially declaring that you happened to brew up the right potion in advance. So that'd be a one-use of some kind of four shift effect - though, as an added bonus, you can give that potion to someone else and have it still work. Unlike more permanent enchanted items, though, you can't pay mental stress to get extra uses; that one potion per appropriate time frame is all you get.
Skills: conviction:2, discipline:4, endurance:3, Lore:4, Athletics:3, Alertness:3, Burglary:2, Contacts:2, driving:1, fists:1, investigation:2 , rapport:1, scholarship:1, stealth:2,resources:1

 Post subject: Re: david thornberg
PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:03 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
Tina (her real name, which she detests with a passion, is Stratosinia Malifent Snow)
Recently engaged to David, which is why her character sheet is now here.

A tiny (~5'), sharp-featured young woman with pale skin, brilliant blue eyes, and black hair (with dark blue highlights if you get the light just right). Shy and quiet, with a tendency to fade into the shadows if you aren't paying attention.

At least, that's what she looks like normally; when she isn't using illusion or transformation magic, the following changes are apparent: her entire left arm is composed of sharp blue-white ice, and the fingers on her left hand are tipped with claws. Oh, and she seems to have picked up wings somewhere along the line; they're composed of the same blue-white ice.
Reference images for the right type of ice: ... -17-photos

high concept: scion of ice and shadow
trouble: an unintended Choice
other aspects: left-handed magic, friends are family, grandfather Faustus' library, sapphire engagement ring, actions speak louder than words
high school yearbook entry: voted most likely to sparkle when exposed to sunlight.

According to mundane records, Tina's parents died when she was three, in a tragic brushfire that destroyed their home in Lexington Hills. Fortunately, their will established a trust fund to provide for her upbringing, and - until she enrolled at SU - she lived under the care of a sequence of tutors (though, in general, those tutors were quite happy when they were allowed to send Tina off to a public school - most of them were un-clued-in mortals, and Tina made them nervous for reasons they could never quite pin down). The terms of the fund were quite strict, however, and it was difficult for Tina to get anything beyond absolute necessities - a category which, apparently, included the full cost of tuition at SU.

According to not-so-mundane records, Tina is the daughter of Melchior Faustus (a wizard of the white council, who is also currently dead) and Cyrikha Nevellice Snow (an ice drake, aka shadow hydra, who is currently a freeholding lord allied with the white council).

Reference image for Tina's house: ... _House.JPG

-4 shadowfrost magic (channeling / rituals)
-1 cloak of shadows
-0 human guise (currently includes a lodestone amulet designed to prevent wing-related wardrobe malfunctions; the primary guise effect is illusory.)
-1 claws
-4 supernatural toughness
+3 catch (fire magic & attacks from mystical heavyweights)
-1 wings
-1 demonic co-pilot (represents ice drake instincts; essentially, this power provides an actual game-mechanical bite to her trouble aspect. Being taken out by it represents total loss of soul / free will / humanity; in general, Tina will save her extreme consequence slot for making sure she can offer a concession against this power if she has to.)
+1 item of power (engagement ring, magically connected to the matching ring that David wears)
+0 human form (this is an actual shapeshifting effect that shuts off her wings & claws - it mostly sees use for things like dealing with car seats that weren't designed to accommodate wings.)
-1 Thaumaturgy (upgrade from rituals; specialization for +1 enchanted item power)
-1 A Shared Burden (two extra minor consequences slots - one physical, one mental - for defense against demonic co-pilot. Actually using one of these consequence slots triggers a compel against David to be affected by the same consequence. Note that buying off this compel does not IC represent not being affected - it just means that David is able to control / contain / compensate for whatever that consequence was. This also means that David's *player* is free to declare or negotiate the initial choice of consequence taken, since it's going to hit his character as well.)

+5: discipline
+4: alertness, lore
+3: conviction, stealth, athletics, fists
+2: endurance, empathy, intimidation, investigation
+1: scholarship, deceit, presence, might, resources

Gold-Threaded Wingbands: allows Tina to block attacks with her wings, functioning as block 6 or armor 3 for one exchange. One free use per game session.
2 potion slots at power 5
black opera glove; +2 accuracy to ice lance rote; a left-handed fingerless glove that extends to just below her shoulder, embroidered with runes in dark blue thread.
shield bracelet; +1 power to defensive water magic; worn on her right arm, this is a set of three silver chains connected to a polished turquoise disk. Easily mistaken for a fancy flip-open watch (though it does not flip open, nor does it tell time.)

Ice Lance: a simple weapon: 3 ranged attack spell that attacks at +8. Costs 1 stress. Triggers demonic co-pilot attack @+6 (use same dF roll as for the discipline attack).
Gathering Shadows: applies an aspect of the same name to a single zone. Costs 3 stress. Triggers demonic co-pilot attack @+5.
Benumbing Chill: applies an aspect of the same name to a given target (power 3). Costs 1 stress. Triggers demonic co-pilot attack @+3.
Ice Wall: block 6, protecting all allies in a single zone - or a power 8 zone border. Costs 4 mental stress & 3 physical stress.

Tina's Shadows:
There are two of them. They come with their own mental & social stress tracks, and one minor consequence slot (typically used for something like "faded shadow" if they overexert their magic, for example). They do not have a fate point pool, though Tina can spend fate points for them, and may in some cases gain a fate point off of a relevant compel.
Aspects: Tina's Shadow, totally amoral, dark magic made manifest
Skills are as Tina.
-1 cloak of shadows
-0 "human guise" - this represents their ability to look like just a perfectly mundane shadow; while they can manifest as a 3-d volume, they can't appear as more than a patch of darkness without using magic.
-1 claws
-4 shadowfrost magic
-8 physical immunity
+0 catch: they are destroyed if Tina dies; other than that, they are completely impervious to direct physical assault. (Some maneuvers, including specialized binding spells, may still function.)
-1 the dark powers (that's us!) are always willing to help: +2 lore for offering knowledge of dark or destructive magics.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:08 pm 
Missing Some Marbles

Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:08 pm
Posts: 215

High Concept: Wizard reporter

Trouble: Shadow Play: What will they do next

Aspect: Tina's Fiancee/Husband:Strange family
Aspect: Non Humans are people too.
Aspect: Access to Ancient Lore
Aspect "compass of celestial directions"
Aspect Council's reckless Devil May care Warden.

Template: Wizard. :evocation(-3):water + control +2 power Spirit:+1 Power (Bracelet) thaumaturgy(-3)Divination +1 power +1 control(globe), Warding :+1 Complexity , the sight(-1), Wizard's constitution(0) and Soulgaze(0) Item of Power : +1 Rings and tooth Neckless. Cloak of Shadows refinement +1 Sponsored Magic:0 Mark of Power:-1

And that leaves you with one focus item slot, or two enchanted item slots.
I'd suggest a defensive enchanted item; for one item slot you get a passive defensive effect that can be either a four shift block or two points of armor, usable once per session for free (and any number of times per session at the cost of one mental stress per extra use). Further, you can substitute in that block value after rolling your defense - so this can give you a solid defense if you're being ambushed, or can just "fix" things if you happened to roll -4.

The second enchanted item slot can be left open for a potion - a one-use item that you can "create" on the fly with a lore roll, essentially declaring that you happened to brew up the right potion in advance. So that'd be a one-use of some kind of four shift effect - though, as an added bonus, you can give that potion to someone else and have it still work. Unlike more permanent enchanted items, though, you can't pay mental stress to get extra uses; that one potion per appropriate time frame is all you get.
Skills: conviction:2, discipline:4, endurance:3, Lore:4, Athletics:3, Alertness:3, Burglary:2, Contacts:2, driving:1, fists:1, investigation:2 , rapport:1, scholarship:1, stealth:2,resources:1

Template: Wizard. :evocation(-3):water +1 control +1 power (Bracelet) thaumaturgy(-3)Divination +1 power +1 control(globe), the sight(-1), Wizard's constitution(0) and Soulgaze(0)

And that leaves you with one focus item slot, or two enchanted item slots.
I'd suggest a defensive enchanted item; for one item slot you get a passive defensive effect that can be either a four shift block or two points of armor, usable once per session for free (and any number of times per session at the cost of one mental stress per extra use). Further, you can substitute in that block value after rolling your defense - so this can give you a solid defense if you're being ambushed, or can just "fix" things if you happened to roll -4.

The second enchanted item slot can be left open for a potion - a one-use item that you can "create" on the fly with a lore roll, essentially declaring that you happened to brew up the right potion in advance. So that'd be a one-use of some kind of four shift effect - though, as an added bonus, you can give that potion to someone else and have it still work. Unlike more permanent enchanted items, though, you can't pay mental stress to get extra uses; that one potion per appropriate time frame is all you get.
Discipline :5
Conviction, Athletics, Alertness, Weaponry:3 (12)
Empathy, Investigation, Stealth, Deceit, Scholarship, Survival: 2(10)
Endurance, Driving, Rapport, Presence, resources, contacts, Burglary :1 (7)

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