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 Post subject: The City of Greenspring
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:03 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
Greenspring is the capital city of the kingdom of Catian. It is located in the largest (and southernmost, and most prosperous) valley of the four that make up the kingdom.

Two things are particularly memorable for travellers:
The first is the Keep, as the locals call it - a castle built using magic, impossibly tall and thin. The highest tower, it is said, was built to compete with the nearby mountains. If so, the mountains won; the tower is a mere fifteen hundred feet high. A thicker section at the top used to house the court wizard, but it has been unused for some time now.

And the second thing is that the arshallah river flows out of the city heading south - but it does not flow in. Its source, in fact, is the very spring that gave the city its name, now located in the basements of the Keep.

The city, thus, is located mostly to the south of the Keep, with numerous bridges crossing back and forth over the river.

To the south is a broad strip of fertile fields, wending its way south until the valley closes up again, kept usable by carefuly timed and orchestrated floodings of the arshallah river. Of course, those further downstream are not so appreciative of the extra water, and it's well known that any invasion from the south would have to cross high and inhospitable passes - for the path the river cut is all too subject to the whims of whoever controls the floodgates in the Keep.

A few mansions perch on the low hills to the east, west, and north of Greenspring, before the mountains proper start their climb into the heavens.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:46 pm 
Prismatic Pangolin

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:50 pm
Posts: 2283
Some people in Greenspring who at least think that they're important:

King Darien IV. Is, obviously, the king, so perhaps he can be forgiven for some degree of self-importance. What some people cannot forgive him for is being a silver-tongued scoundrel and general backstabbing sneak. Still, much of the country approves of him - he keeps things running fairly smoothly, and if the cost is a few nobles dying under mysterious circumstances and a half dozen bastard children, well, that's not an issue for the common man, now is it? Much better than, say, King Darien II, who was known to artistically execute peasants for not looking quite picturesque enough when he happened to ride by.

Queen Lillian. Young, and beautiful, and (in recent years) perpetually ill. Married the king as part of a trade agreement with a nearby kingdom. Unfortunately, said kingdom's mines ran dry about a year later, and it was conquered by one of its neighbors not long after that. Most of the city expects that the king will, at some point, arrange for her to "succumb to her illness", and remarry someone with more current political value. At least so far, though, King Darien has found that the potential of such is a more useful political lever than actually doing so, and thus Queen Lillian is still not dead yet.

Archchancelor Beren Thoffield. Called the "minister of red tape," though never to his face. His actual noble title is relatively minor, but, as the person you need to talk to if you want an audience with the king, his actual power is not insignificant. Also known to be petty and vindictive.

Lord Argus Quinn. The king's minister of defense. Quinn is an expert on military history, strategy, and tactics - or at least, he thinks so, and he has had few opportunities to be proven wrong. Most of his time is spent either studying books, or running the country's army through complex and arbitrary training exercises.

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