Urban Fae

Random brainstorming for a superhero RPG

Moderator: Joshua

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Urban Fae

Post by Joshua »

A semi-complete list of those poseted. Either in their own thread or here.
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Re: Urban Fae

Post by Joshua »


A half-fae changeling, Leslie Horn was an animator who worked at a number of small pictures. (As an easter egg within the comic, she worked on the forbidden Space episode of Mystic Knight.) She believed that art was life. Her crimes originally were financially motivated, then drifted to attempting to harm those who tried to ban animation and comics*.

Recently, she's gained a new calling and target. Computer animation is an anathema in her eyes. Using computers to enhance animation is okay (such as with Klaus), but anything animated entirely with computers is terrible and those responsible must be punished.

Powers: The ability to bring 2d animations and pictures to life. She was known to carry a sketchbook and make quick-sketch monsters to help her fight the Mystic Knight. Her powers can work on 3d animations, but always go horribly wrong. (Some come out as 2d versions of the 3d art. Others immediately go berserk. Some have Ubisoft level animation issues.)

*: Kinda meta. Some of the 'innocent' victims she harmed were variations of censors and similar.